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Deuce Cities Henhouse

Flickr Find from howaboutorangeNicole and friends, don't you love this? I do. Nicole, I think you should consider it for your little ladies first b-day partay. Everyone else, this would be great for a bridal or baby shower OR it would even be cool as permanent decor. If I ever get to have a girl baby lady, I might make these for her nursery.Martha Stewart breaks it down here. READ MORE
in Crafts, Parties

One Down, Three to Go.

I finished Finn's stocking last night! I'm glad that I was able to get the most important one done in time. I still need to crank out a stocking for "MOM" and a stocking for "DAD" then our little stocking family will be complete. I used an assortment of vintage patterns but mostly just scoured flickr for inspiration. I want these all to look handmade and vintage, and I think this one is successful. READ MORE
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in Crafts, Sewing

Yo, more Gocco!

This is my 2nd creation with my new favorite friend, the old Gocco machine. I made some of these Christmas hang tags and it was super easy. I love this machine, if only I had a million dollars I would Gocco all the time. I am so making handmade gift wrapping really cool this year. I hope it's not too over the top. I've got my kraft paper, my homemade gift tags, and my magazine gift bows. I'm READ MORE
in Crafts
Just found this great idea on the good ol' internetz. If you can't tell already, I'm a little gung-ho about Christmas and all the things that come with it. Thanks to Jessica for the tutorial which can be found at howaboutorange.blogspot.com. Now I have an excuse to put the cart before the horse and start my Christmas present wrapping before I even have gifts bought. I know what I'll be doing when READ MORE
in Crafts, Inspiration

A Cool Fall Wedding

Jeff and I went to our friends, Mark & Arielle's wedding this weekend. I've been to a lot of weddings in my day, but this wedding took the cake (ha) for best hand made decorations. So like all good craft bloggers I decided I should take some photos and share it around the interweb. Paper flower bouquet's are totally awesome. I need to find the pattern for these somewhere, I don't know why, READ MORE
in Cool Things, Crafts, Wedding Invitations