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My August Garden

August Garden

August Garden

August Garden

August Garden
I thought I’d share shots of my actual gardens rather than close-ups of flowers that I have been sharing in my other gardeny posts. Not too much has changed in my flower beds over the last month except for the weed growth. This is the time of year when I tend to give up on watering and weeding altogether (I am a horrible gardener, I know.) The temperature is always too hot and there is always too much end of summer life going on to give it my gardens more care. That being said, things are looking good for the most part, I’ve got two gardens recovering from a transplant but looking forward to an even better garden scene next summer. Can you believe garden season is almost over, bah ha wha (that’s me crying).

Besides trimming my plants back I have never really prepared my gardens for fall. Anyone have any suggestions on fall fertilizers, techniques, or other pro tips. Send ’em my way.

in gardening, Month-to-Month
2 comments… add one
  • Sugar Momma August 29, 2012

    Dont’ get me started on fall tips! Pull all the annuals and remove their remains from the garden. Start a compost pile if you don’t have one. pull and dispose of all weeds. Save any dry seed heads ( esp. marigolds, zinnias, morning glory seed pods, brown eyed susans,,coneflowers) and story in a dry dark place -inside paper envelopes works well for individual types of seeds with the names, colors and year on the labels.
    Also, turn over any dirt that yo can without injuring perennial plants. Mulch , mulch,
    Water,water, mulch. Get readu for snow and long winter nights.

    • Scoops September 5, 2012

      Thanks mom, I will use all of this good advice.

      I still need to water, really? I’m ready to be done with that.

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