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Deuce Cities Henhouse

I’m Blushing

Via Dressed and Educated Guys, there is something you should know abut me. I’ve spent a lot of my life avoiding the color pink. Why? Because it’s what we’re supposed to like, you know? When I was little I was super shy, any extra attention put my way was embarrassing, and doing girly stuff made me uncomfortable. I just didn’t feel super cool about calling attention to myself, and I felt READ MORE
in Inspiration, My Life


Hey Guys! Just wanted to pop in and say that I am really feeling reinvigorated and positive about blogging, and projects, and life, and all that stuff. I always tone down the frequency of interior projects over the summer months for a few really good reasons. I don’t want to miss out on any of that sun and warm weather, our summers are packed with lots of vacation time and family stuff, and my READ MORE
in My Life


You guys, something big happened earlier this week. My eldest son/dude started kindergarten. That is a crazy huge milestone for both him and me. I'm so totally excited for him as he's been way ready to start school. He has one of those funny summertime birthdays and you can choose to send the kids when they are either five or six, we decided to send him when he was six, because it was good to READ MORE
in Finn, My Life

August’s 3rd Birthday

We spent Tuesday celebrating our little guy, Gus' 3rd birthday! If you haven't been keeping track, that's 2 birthdays in less than 2 weeks. We've been busy! It's always been very important for me to give the kids killer birthdays that are each their own special day, even though they share birthdays so close together. Me and my young bro have birthdays that are 3 days apart, so I understand the READ MORE
in Gus, My Life

Finn’s 6th Birthday

Guys, I may have been a little MIA this week. We've been busy celebrating the birthday of our young man, Finn. He's six now you guys, that's super old. If you've been coming around this blog for awhile now you probably already know that Finn shares a birthday with his good buddy, Elsa, who turned 5 yesterday (also super old). Elsa and Finn have grown up together, they are the oldest kids of READ MORE
in Elsa, Finn, Kids, My Life