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Deuce Cities Henhouse

Chevron Bedding

I had to post about this new bedding I bought, because it is awesome and you should know about it too. I've had my eye on this chevron bedding from West Elm for awhile. I really liked the pattern and could easily see it looking great in our bedroom. Plus our current bedding was on it's 4th year and was starting to fade and get old. The thing is, back in about 2006, I purchased some West Elm READ MORE
in Bedroom, Decor

Bedroom Done.

Okay, so it’s been a few months in the making but I can finally call our bedroom done! Cue the confetti cannons!! That’s how I feel about it, anyways. My story goes like this: Jeff and I have never really put a nice bedroom together for ourselves. We suck, I know. I think the closest we ever got was back in 2003 at our first apartment together, when I painted some of my great grandma’s READ MORE
in Around the House, Bedroom

Cleaning Out My Closet

Does this ever happen to you? I went up to my room to find a new shirt because Gus' diaper decided to not work while I was holding him (major boo). Then, as I was searching for a new top to wear something came over me. I started ripping my closet apart. I've been wanting to go through my closet and purge for awhile, but was just putting it off. I guess I just couldn't stand it anymore. READ MORE
in Around the House, Bedroom

Bedroom Accessories

I'm still not done with our master bedroom, but I'm getting there. I've got one wall left to paint, a little trim to touch up and some new hardware to install. Then the painting/updating/fixing/repairing part of the project is done. Next comes the really fun part, shopping! So if Jeff (wink wink) let me go hog wild, this is what I would buy: 1. Organmi Crease Vase from Have You Met MIss READ MORE
in Bedroom, Cool Things, Decor, Inspiration

New Paint in my Bedroom

So, I did it. I pulled the trigger. I painted my bedroom wall black, and I think I'm kind of in love. I've been swooning over black for awhile now, and after discussing this idea with a few friends whose opinions I trust, I decided to go for it. I ordered up some paint a few weeks ago from Farrow & Ball and waited. Fast forward to Thursday: a shit ton of paint shows up on my doorstep. By READ MORE
in Bedroom, My House