Hey Guys, Whazzup? Not too much going on over here, the leaves are just about to pop on the trees and I couldn’t be happier. If spring hasn’t happened to you yet, hang in there, it’s on its way.
Here’s a funny story. I just recently discovered pinterest. I know, what took me so long? Well a few things, I’ve had an account since the beginning and I just never got into the idea of pinning stuff I found on the internet. I felt like pinterest was gushing with way too many cutsie craft projects and DIY’s that nobody would ever actually really try in real life. I cringed a little every time I logged in.
Not only that, there was the whole argument of pinterest being over saturated with so much eye candy that it begins to stunt actual inspiration. I get it, I am worried about being over inspired by the internet, and not finding inspiration from the things in the world and life around me. I want to trust my gut and do it on my own, but there is a lot of value in inspiration. There is also the whole legal argument of pinterest being a place where images get lost and are never properly credited to their true source. I hate that. Then there’s the thing that happens to some people when all of the pretty stuff makes them feel inadequate because they get wrapped up in comparing themselves to others.
Anyway, none of that bothers me enough not to visit the site and I’m actually experiencing a very positive reaction. I see it as a super inspiring place. Recently after making my obligatory three month stop on pinterest I realized that it had changed, or I had changed. There was a lot more inspiring beautiful spaces in my feed, and barely any recipe hacks, cute animal cakes, or things I could make out of clothespins and magnetic chalk board paint. I was relieved. So I slowly started pinning a few things. Now, I like visiting the site every morning while I sip my coffee and watch the Today Show — I kinda get a kick out of seeing what sort of douchey thing Matt Lauer is up to each morning.

I’m very selective in what I pin, I have only been pinning spaces that really truly inspire and trigger a gut reaction in me. The payoff for the whole thing is going back and looking over what sorts of inspiration I have pinned and finding common threads within that. Instead of pinterest being an overwhelming land of repetition, it’s actually made me see my style in a more clear and defined way.
I wanted to share with you some of my most recent favorite bits of inspiration. How do you guys feel about the old pinterest, you into it, or what? Maybe next month I’ll learn how to use the twitter.

i just found your blog the other day and i’m excited to go find you on pinterest. i found you through your bedroom redesign and have loved reading through all your old posts!
Awh, Thanks Lauren! So glad you found me. Look forward to seeing you around here in the future.
I agree with you completely! I think Pinterest really does help you define your own style and hone in on what is important to you. I like collecting ideas for later use and I find that over time things become either more or less inspiring to me. That is how I evaluate my posts. :)
Yeah, it’s pretty great as an editing tool isn’t it? I think as long as the pinner is pinning meaningful, inspiring ideas then it can really work well for finding inspiration and defining personal style.
I find Pinterest to be mostly full of stuff I’m not that interested in but occasionally I find things that I just love – that really cause a gut reaction, like you said. Sometimes I get down on myself because it seems as though I don’t like anything or I’m too picky or I can’t see the good in anything. The upside is that when I go back through my boards, they are full of stuff that I love, and when I need a pick-me-up I can just hit up one of those boards to remind myself where I’m headed.
Totally, I like going through my boards too. I try not to treat pins as just eye candy, if the pins are actually linked to their source I’ll go read the post or article just like I would do with a magazine. I don’t want to be just consuming without learning a bit as I go.
I still don’t twitter, but they’ll have to pry my Pinterest from my cold dead hands! I always kept magazine clippings and noticed themes in what I saved way back in the stone ages – but it became even more obvious when I started pinning.
Helen, I am so bad at the twitter. My husband loves it, but I just can’t get into it — you’re not alone ;)
I freaking love pinterest. I will not admit to being a perfect curator of my boards. I use it as a break from my lawyer job, so sometimes, now and then I accidentally pin crap. Sometimes I delete it later. But mostly, I am more inspired and surrounded by much more beauty than I would be without it. I will say though, freely delete things you don’t like in your feed. If you do, soon they figure out who you are, and you don’t have to see anime face cake ball DIYs, or whatever nonesense that it pinteresting to crafter nuts that day. My Mom is a super, awesome pinner to follow.. alicedawnstrom she’s a gardener and home space beautifier and inspirer.
When I took the plunge and added the “pin it” add-on in Chrome (and on my ipad), my whole life changed. Now I can keep track of gift ideas for others, recipes, travel destinations, design resources, tech gadgets, great writing/articles, my “to read later” list, clothes to try resisting, and of course, home DIY and dreams … it’s basically central command for the best clips of all my favorite internet rabbit holes. Sure doesn’t replace being present and inspired in daily life, but makes organizing all my random ideas and plans infinitely easier–and prettier! Having a go-to list for my SO when birthdays/Christmas comes around is CLUTCH.
And I do find that being real selective about what I pin makes the experience that much better. Welcome to the dark side :)
Replying to my own comment — having a recipes board right on my phone is LIFESAVING at the grocery store when I haven’t made a list. Ok I’ll shut up now :)
Pinterest is good for showing my husband what I have in mind for a space. I know what I want and can see it in my head, but when I find examples of it on Pinterest it really clicks in for him, too.