Hello, people! I’ve got instructions to share with yas today so that you can recreate this starburst trellis for your garden, garage or side of your house! When I was designing our new patio space last spring, I knew I had to come up with a solution to push our v not cute white-vinyl-sided garage to the background. It was an eyesore of the most extreme kind, and I didn’t want it to be the backdrop of our soon-to-be idyllic backyard patio hang spot.
Whenever I dreamt of this space (which was basically every spring) I had always known that I wanted to run planter boxes along the base of the garage, and after mulling it over it occurred to me that adding a very large trellis might be the exact thing we needed to minimize that eye sore of a garage! I used the coffee table that I built for the patio (instructions also coming soon) as inspiration, and mimicked its starburst pattern in the design of the trellis.

I filled the planter boxes with overflowing purple petunias – they really were overflowing by the end of the summer. Towards the back of the planter boxes I planted hyacinth beans which are so pretty an amazing, they are my new favorite for sure. JoAnna Gaines had to go use Hyacinth seeds on one this season’s episode of FU (ha), and I was worried I wouldn’t be able to find any for this year’s crop. This spring I am sowing the bean plants inside under grow lights, because there just wasn’t enough time last year for them to become mature and grow all over that trellis. Plus they were competing for sun with those huge petunias. I am dedicated to having it be an amazing lush viney wonderland on that trell by the end of the summer 2018!

14 8′ (1x2s) 1 6 1 |

Once you get all your pieces cut for this project, the assembly is pretty straight forward. The video animation (in the beginning of the post) illustrates the basic construction for the project. I start with the outside of the frame first, and then construct the horizontal slats, the vertical slats, the slats from the center of the trellis, and lastly the 20 surrounding slats.
The horizontal slats should be centered every 16 ⅛” (measuring from the bottom outside corner of the frame.) The vertical slats will be placed in the middle of the frame at the 4′ mark.
After the horizontal and vertical pieces are roughly laid in place, tack them to the frame with your nail gun. Then gather all of your center pieces (reference the diagram above for dimensions), and roughly fit those into place.
*BTW, I love this nail gun, it’s cordless and powerful and I love it (I know I said ‘love’ twice) – I’d highly recco getting another battery pack right away so that you don’t get slowed down by waiting for the batt to re-charge.
Once your 8 center pieces are roughed in, nail them into place. Make sure to secure them to the vertical pieces, as well as the horizontal slats.
Use an extra long t-square to ensure that your pieces are square. You will now begin installing the 20 outer pieces. Place each piece 14 ⅞” apart on center.
Continue measuring and installing pieces until you’ve completely installed all 20 pieces. Your trellis should look just like this mine once you’re all finished up.
I stained mine with black ebony stain and then hung it from my garage with 6 corner braces.
Find instructions on how to build the planter box over here. I’ll be back in a few weeks with instructions on how to create an outdoor/indoor coffee table, this should keep you busy until then ;)

Wow, that looks incredible! What kind of wood did you use for this? I don’t see rounded edges on it, so are you using S4 lumber? I’ve always had a HORRIBLE time trying to find pressure treated wood to make trellis with, it seems the smallest dimensions I can find are 2x4s at the big box stores.
Hey! Thanks so much! I found the lumber at the Home Depot in the section where they display the fancier specialty lumber. Wood with descriptors such as “select pine” – you know, the stuff that comes with barcodes on it ;) The lumber used for this project was not select pine, but it was found in that same aisle, and is described as “kiln dried whitewood board” – the dims are the typical 1.5″ x 3/4″ but with crisp edges. Here’s the link. It’s not pressure treated, but I wasn’t intending to grow perennials on it, so longevity wasn’t as important. They do sell this pressure treateded “cedar-tone” board though, and it looks to me to be just what you’re looking for.
I really, very, truly, like this. Thanks for the instructions and cool vid, too.
I like for the information, Thank you so much for article…!
Wow! What an amazing design. You have an incredible eye. Thank you so much for sharing.
I first stumbled upon the planter/ice box you designed, but also was loving the wall art above it! I was honestly googling “outdoor chevron wall art” until realizing you probably made that too. I’m obsessed and I think we are going to attempt both for our new deck. Thanks for posting such amazing ideas!
Can you share the cost and how long this took to build? Thanks!
Judging by your instructions and what I just followed of them, also based on your pictures, it appears you are no using 1×2 lumber. That appears to be 2×2. Also, 1×2 lumber is actually 2 1/2” wide, making the measurement for the inner rails incorrect. They would need to be 7’7” and not 7’9” for the inner rails, compensating for the 2 1/2” of the width of the 1×2’s. Unfortunately now that I am more than halfway through this project, I am forced to improvise, as 1×2’s also do not allow for a good penetration for the nail gun. Which by the way, I have the exact same one you used. The project you designed is beautiful but the instructions are inaccurate.
Jenn, do you have a photo of your improvised project complete? Could I see what yours ended up like? (karmdzine42@gmail.com)
Love this!!! Would you be willing to share the stain colour for your fence?!
Hi! Thank you so much for the instructions. I am making this right now and noticed that you mentioned 20 – 19 5/8 slats. I cut those and as I am assembling it, I have 4 extra slats and 4 extra sticks. I’m I supposed to have extra pieces?
Hi there, I must be missing this but what is the finished size. Thanks this is exCtly what I’m looking for
During quarentine my 17 year old decided to take on a few projects. He made a shiplap wall in my bathroom and today he made this project on a small scale. I love it! Thank you
This is great! I’m looking to work on this project this weekend. What type & size nails did you use? Thanks!