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Chairs in the Porch

Hello! How's it going? It's been pretty alright around here. Spring is really in the air (although there is a cool down coming this week). We've been spending our weekends in the porch, and it has felt great, like wonderfully insanely great. I've got lots of little seedlings growing indoors, living things are popping up out of the ground, and just today the ice went out on a lot of the local READ MORE
in Around the House, Porch
Hello, Budz! I'm excited about this post, like more excited than I knew I would be. I got the chance to work with an amazing line of products, something that was a real game changer for me. Do you know about Amy Howard? I have to admit that I didn't going into this, but have discovered a bit about her and a lot about her line of products, Amy Howard at Home. "I know", I'm getting tired of READ MORE
in Around the House, DIY, How-To, Kitchen, Sponsored

All I want is Tidiness!

Hmm, I don't know what it is, maybe that two-and-a-half-month remodeling of the basement or could it be that my kids were making huge messes all summer long, but somehow my house is chaotic! I just want one of those houses that looks pretty, put together, and organized all the time, is that too much to ask? When the kids were younger I was so good at tidying up daily and staying on top of the ins READ MORE
in Around the House, housekeeping, Living Room
You guys remember our bedroom makeover? Towards the end of the proj, we had to make the most of what we had, and one of those things was the artwork. The budget was maxed, and we had a large blank wall space, so I had to make the most of it. If you remember I watercolored an engineer print and "framed" with some 1x2's and hung it on the wall with large bulldog clips. It did the job, but we always READ MORE
in Around the House, My House

Wait For It

So, guys. I've been wanting to buy this certain rug for the boys' room for a long time, and after waiting for-like-ever, we finally purchased it last month. I know, buying a rug isn’t the most exciting thing in the world, but I thought that after waiting for so long it was at worth a blog post. There’s a lot that happens to your relationship to an object or thing if you decide to hold READ MORE
in Around the House, Kids’ Bedrooms