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Deuce Cities Henhouse

I’m feeling really good about where our cabin bedroom has started from and come to. I think we can call this reveal worthy! This is maybe my favorite space in all of the cabin. I am a big sucker for a small cozy room. Back in the early aughts, when I used to have roommates, I was always okay with taking the smallest room... READ MORE
in Bedroom, Reveal, Sponsored, The Cabin

Goodbye 2018, Hello 2019

Hey Guys! Phew, it always feels good when the holidays are behind us and we can move on to the New Year. I am finally getting the chance to settle back into the day-to-day, and the mundane and boring is being embraced with open arms. Week after week of activity is too much for this old gal. I'm not much of a big New Year resolutions type of person, I prefer to think of myself as constantly READ MORE
in My House, My Life, The Cabin

Reveal : Cabin Kitchen

So stoked to share the cabin kitchen revamp (mostly on a budget) with ya, I mean it’s only been a year in the making. Talk about slow design! Of course, some of that slowness is by necessity, renovating a small cabin kitchen when you leave 120 miles away isn’t going to happen over night. When I get presented with a design problem like our kitchen cabin, my first instinct is to make the most trying to maximize design on a budget... READ MORE
in Kitchen, Reveal, The Cabin

Basement Bathroom : The Look

Get The Look   I'll be the first to admit, the bathroom was one of those projects where we got to splurge on some really nice finishes. I love getting good deals and spending on the things that really matter, and this was the perfect example of that. This bathroom mattered! We needed it to be functional, pretty, and the finishes needed to last a long time. I doubt there will ever READ MORE
in Inspiration

Stuff that happened in 2016

Hey Guys, I hope you all had a safe and happy start to the New Year! It has felt v incredible to have time away from the computer and projects over the last few weeks. We all need to reset from time-to-time, and for us there is no better way then to take a good hunk of time over the holidays to do so. Not to get too into feeling sharing, but I'm pretty stoked for this new year, last year was READ MORE
in Around the House