Bros. I’m excited about this one. A few months ago Rejuvenation reached out to me asking if I might be interested in doing a project featuring Portland’s own JuJu wallpaper (one of their most recent collabos). After perusing (and drooling over) the line of super cute and likable wallpapers I wrote back and said “heck yes”.
Now let me start by saying, I have a thing for wallpapers. In my home, I’ve plastered three spaces with wallpaper and have plans of adding more paper to the basement soon. I would love to have wallpaper all over the place, but frankly I’m running out of room – on my walls that is. Lucky for me, wallpaper is one of those things that can go in all sorts of spaces. I’ve shared with you before how I used it in my closet shelving system, BUT wallpaper can also be used on furniture, appliance, doors, canisters, and framed as artwork – you get the idea.
Long story short, in walks this beauty (Sisters of the Sun wallpaper in a Blue & Cream colorway) and I need to figure out how I can incorporate it into our home. Duh, obviously it would be the perfect addition to our newly made-over blue and barely-blush master bedroom, and I love the idea of adding even more pattern to pattern – I just need to be subtle about it. If you’re not familiar, the wall behind our bed is papered in the ‘Copper Peony’ paper by Rifle Paper (see below).
I get the wise idea to paper the insides of my dresser drawers – the paper will only be visible when the drawers are open. Remember when I repainted this dresser a light coral not so long ago? Welp, I decided that maybe it needed one last peek-a-boo touch and the ‘Sisters of the Sun’ pattern is just what it was begging for.
Wanna wallpaper something in your house too? Great! I’ve included some easy to follow instructions to satiate your DIY urges. Check it below.

wallpaper paste brush, wallpaper paste, sponge, scissors, utility knife, straight edged putty knife
1 Brush on a generous amount of paste 2 Fold paper in half inward – let sit for five minutes 3 Apply to dresser – smooth out with hand 4 Use a straight edge knife to remove excess paste 5 Burnish the side with a straight edge 6 Remove excess paper with a utility knife 7 Use a damp sponge to remove excess paste |
Interested in JuJu wallpaper? Find out more here – I’m truly impressed with their sustainable practices and the craft put into their made-to-order beautifully designed papers.

Love it. It’s the best little surprise!
Thanks so much, Nicole! Oh, and I totally love your blog, FYI ;)
Love the wallpaper, but tell me more about the bracelet you are wearing in the photos…
Hey Stacey! The bracelet was given to me as a Christmas present from my mother-in-law 8 or 9 years ago. I used to wear it all the time, and then recently rediscovered it in my jewelry collection. I have no idea of its history, other than it’s silver cuff – but it’s pretty special to have a piece of family jewelry that I love so much.
Please tell me how you created your animated “peek a boo” photo. Fascinated. Thank you. Also can I do this with an Iphone 6?
Hey Dorothy, I am sure there are apps that will let you make animated gifs, however I don’t have any recommendations. I made mine using the ‘timeline’ tool in photoshop. Hope that helps :)